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Dyspraxia currently affects approximately ten per cent of the population with two per cent being seriously affected by it. In a class of 25-30 children, it is likely that at least one pupil will suffer from dyspraxia.

This condition results from problems in cell signalling in the brain. Messages are not transmitted properly from one cell to another and this affects the way the brain processes information. The result is that someone with this brain disorder experiences problems with one or all of the following: movement, co-ordination and organisation. Children with dyspraxia will often have bad handwriting, which can impede their academic achievement.

In short, those with dyspraxia often find it very hard to plan what to do and then how to go about doing it. Indeed the term originates from the Greek word praxis, which means doing or acting.
There is what experts call comorbidity between dyspraxia, dyslexia and ADHD (attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder). Comorbidity means that there is an overlap between these conditions and that they often coexist.

Definitions of Dyspraxia
Dyspraxia results from problems in cell signalling in the brain - i.e. when messages are not being transmitted properly from one cell to another. This affects the way the brain processes information, the result being problems may occur with one or all of the following: movement, co-ordination and organization.

The condition is also known as Clumsy Child Syndrome, Perceptuo-Motor Dysfunction, Developmental Co-ordination Disorder (DCD) or Motor Learning Difficulties.

How Fatty Acids Help Dyspraxia
Without enough fatty acids i.e. a fatty acid deficiency, communication between our cells ceases to operate properly and this is known to be a root cause of dyspraxia. Fatty acids are fundamental for our health and well-being, as they are essential constituents of every living cell in the human body.
Dr Alex Richardson, Senior Research Fellow, Mansfield College, University of Oxford, and University Laboratory of Physiology, University of Oxford, is one of the world?s foremost authorities on fatty acids and dyslexia, ADHD (attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder) and autistic spectrum disorder. In a paper published in 2003, entitled Fatty Acids in Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, ADHD, and the Autistic Spectrum, Dr Richardson explains:

"Scientific evidence suggests that imbalances or deficiencies of certain highly unsaturated fatty acids (HUFA) may contribute to a range of behavioural and learning difficulties including ADHD, dyslexia, dyspraxia, and autistic spectrum disorders. This could help to explain the strong familial associations between these conditions and their common overlap within the same individuals.
"Research indicates that omega-3 fatty acids are more likely to help than omega-6 (although both are important for optimal brain function). Of the omega-3 fatty acids, the latest evidence indicates that it is EPA - not DHA - that is likely to be most beneficial for these purposes."

Clinical research also shows that the higher the ratio of EPA to DHA in a supplement, the more effective the supplement becomes. Omega product has the highest ratio possible - it contains ultra-pure EPA and absolutely no DHA. Omega product also contains virgin evening primrose oil, which is rich in GLA - another important omega-6 fatty acid.

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